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Berberis Darwinii Nana


  • Size: 3 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun, partial shade
  • Soil moisture: Moist, well drained
  • Flowering Period: April to May
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 1m
  • Ultimate Spread: 1m

Berberis Darwinii Nana commonly known as Barberry is a bushy evergreen flowering shrub often grown for a low flowering hedge, producing dark green holly like small leaves, sparsely spiked offering a little bit of security in your garden. In April and May the Berberis Darwinii Nana bears beautifully bright golden orange clusters of tiny flowers, adding lovely colour against the dark leaves, followed by dark purple berries, great for attracting wildlife.

Plant this shrub in groups to create a bushy hedge, also looking good in containers, borders, flower beds and can be planted alone to become a specimen shrub.

Berberis Darwinii Nana care

Plant the Berberis Darwinii Nana in a sunny location or dappled shade and moist, well drained soil where it can thrive. Generally disease and pest free the Berberis is easy to grow and requires minimal pruning. We recommend lightly pruning the shrub to encourage the shape you require and a bushy habit shortly after pruning. A perfect garden shrub that brightens up the garden whilst attracting wildlife and butterflies.