Come on, learn about and practice scabies prevention.

Come on, learn about and practice scabies prevention.

Scabies, also called agogo itch, buukan, or gudik, is a skin illness brought on by an infection of Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis and its byproducts, as well as sensitivity to them. characterized by widespread itching, particularly at night, and a preference for thin, warm, and moist skin folds.


Why is it the case?

The ectoparasite (mite) Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis, belonging to the family Sarcoptidae and class Arachnida, is the source of scabies.


Which symptoms are present?

Two of the following four clinical symptoms, or "cardinal signs," can be found to confirm the diagnosis:

1. Nocturnal pruritus, or itchiness, particularly at night, is brought on by increased mite activity in warmer, more humid circumstances.

2. Attacking a group of individuals, such as a family, at a boarding home or dorm

3. The preference site—which includes the spaces between fingers, the volar portion of the wrist, the outer elbow, the anterior armpit fold, the female breast areola, the umbilicus, the buttocks, the male external genitalia, and the rear of the stomach—is typically where bruises or ulcers are found. In infants, it can target the head, face, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet.

4. Locating mites


How does scabies spread and is it contagious?

Transmission of scabies can happen through:

1. Direct contact, or skin-to-skin contact, such as handshakes, bed sharing, and sexual encounters

2. Indirect contact made possible by objects like pillows, bed linens, towels, and clothing.


What are the scabies risk factors?

Numerous elements, such as a low financial status, inadequate cleanliness, several sexual relationships, and unfavorable environmental conditions, contribute to the development of this illness.


How do you treat scabies?

1. Throughout the body, apply scabicide topically (from the neck). Not to be used every day, but once a week if symptoms persist.

2. Other family members must receive treatment at the same time.

3. You have to change into clean clothes after the treatment is over. All clothing, including items worn up to a week prior, is laundered in hot water and ironed, along with toiletries and bed linens.


Exists a cure for scabies?

It is curable if medication selection and administration are carefully considered, predisposing factors such as poor hygiene are removed, and all those who have frequent contact with the patient receive treatment.


Taking care of scabies in order to eradicate it from Indonesia by 2030, that is to say:

  • Keep an eye out for scabies symptoms in friends, family, and yourself.
  • Eliminate the scabies. See a doctor for appropriate care, and encourage your loved ones to do the same.
  • Stop the spread of scabies within oneself and the surroundings.

Have your health examined right away by a dermatology, venereology, and aesthetics professional at Hermina Hospital in Soreang if you encounter any of the aforementioned symptoms.

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