
Gesneriaceae, Part of the African Violet

Episcia Plant

Episcia is a lovely trailing plant that is native to Central and South America, Brazil and the West Indies. An Episcia is grown for its colorful textured leaves and small but pretty flowers. The most popular variety of the Episcia is the Flame Violet which has silver veined leaves and bears tubular orange-red flowers about 3/4″ in size. It has never become as popular as its close relative the African Violet because they require more care. They grow in a very unique manner. Each plant sends out runners called stolons which trail over the edge of the container or across the soil in the pot. New plants are propagated from these runners.


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They require bright light, but keep them out of direct sun. If the light is too bright, the color in the leaves fades.


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The soil should be moist, but not soggy at all times. If the soil is too dry, the leaves will develop brown edges. In the winter, when it is not growing, allow the soil to become a little drier.


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Special African Violet plant fertilizer is great for this plant. Use a regular soluble houseplant food at ½ the recommended strength. Fertilize monthly when the plant is actively growing.


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Average household temperatures are fine for an Episcia as long as the temperature stays above 65 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the leaf edges may start to turn brown. The plant usually dies when the temperature is below 50 degrees.


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