What are the early signs of bed bugs

What are the early signs of bed bugs

If you have bed bugs, there is no time to wait. There are people who do this for a living and can come in and save your stuff and remove the infestation while it’s still small.

Some of the early signs that you may actually have bed bugs include:

– small brown stains on bed sheets

– tiny cream-colored spots on your sheet or mattress (these are bed bug poop)

– actually seeing the little monsters

– you wake up feeling itchy in random places, this is because of their bite.

If you see any of these signs, get in contact with a professional right away to get help to get rid of the infestation.

Bed bugs will often bite while their food (you) is asleep.

The following are the early signs of bed bugs to look for:

1) Blood Stains – This is probably one of the earliest signs that you can find on your sheets. These are small dots or stains which are reddish-brown in colour. They are caused by the excretion of blood after feeding on human or animal blood.

2) Bed Bug Bites – You can find these tiny bugs crawling around your bed at night and biting you especially if you leave uncovered skin exposed. These bites will show up as red bumps with a white centre which will be swollen and itchy. The good news is that they tend to disappear without leaving any scarring but there have been cases where people have experienced allergic reactions to the bites which might even be potentially dangerous.

3) Bug Faeces or Droppings – You can also look for dark brown spots which are usually long and cylindrical in shape. They have a rough texture to them and they will appear dry and flat on your sheets. If it is possible to find a few of these droppings then there is a good chance that you have an infestation going on.

4) Burrows or Egg Sacs – These bugs tend to hide in feather beds, mattresses and other places where they will not be disturbed. 

5) Dead Bugs – If you happen to be up late at night then you may notice that there are tiny bugs crawling on your blanket or sheets which have been piled up. In most cases, these bugs will be completely flat as they lack blood but there is also a possibility that those who have been crushed left behind some blood stains as well which can lead to confusion.

Why do you need pest control ?

Pest control will help you get rid of these bugs. They are more than annoying, they can also cause health issues such as skin rashes and itching which may not be very pleasant to deal with.

They don’t spread disease, but they can cause some discomfort.

There are two common reasons to use pest control in your home: either you suspect an infestation or you want to prevent one in the first place.

If you’re worried that there might be bugs hiding out somewhere, it’s a great idea to call an exterminator ahead of time. This way, you’ll have professional help on hand to deal with any bugs you find so you won’t have to try and remove them all by yourself.

If your place is already infested, then pest control will be able to help. In fact, many exterminators offer a first visit for free if they’re called out because of an acute problem.

Source: What are the early signs of bed bugs

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