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Does this look like oral thrush? (Gross mouth pic warning!)

32 replies

Mitebiteatnite · 21/07/2019 18:52

Posting here for traffic.

I have very severe asthma so use 2 steroid inhalers, frequent courses of oral steroids and I've had a chest infection so just finishing a course of clarithromycin.

My throat has been killing me since Thursday eve and I've had a fever on and off since Friday afternoon. Today eating has been really painful, and I just took a quick look in my mouth and spotted this weird spot. I assumed it was thrush, but I tried to wipe it and it didn't wipe away. Won't be able to see the GP for a few days, so I'm wondering whether it's worth just getting something from the chemist first thing tomorrow.

Does this look like thrush? I've been on high dose steroids and steroid inhalers for years now, but I've always managed to avoid thrush. I think my immune system is a bit out of whack atm, I generally feel rubbish most days!

Does this look like oral thrush? (Gross mouth pic warning!)
OP posts:
picklemepopcorn · 21/07/2019 18:53

Any chance of shingles?

Mitebiteatnite · 21/07/2019 19:00

I don't think so, I don't really have any other symptoms. It's so sore I can't even explain. I get tonsillitis a lot too, and it seems to be more painful than that. It's almost throbbing. I suppose it could just be an ulcer but I didn't think an ulcer would hurt like that.

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Mitebiteatnite · 21/07/2019 19:01

No other shingles symptoms I mean. No rash or weird skin tingle, although the whole roof of my mouth is tingling.

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Bluetrews25 · 21/07/2019 19:06

Doesn't look like oral thrush to me.
Can you show pharmacist?
Or get appointment with practice nurse if it will take ages to get to GP? (They can prescribe.)

Mitebiteatnite · 21/07/2019 19:09

It's not that it will take ages to get an appt, I can have a same day appt if need be but I need to go into work as it's the last few days of term.
I feel exhausted and fed up of being ill, and this has just finished me off today!

OP posts:
kitandkaboodle28 · 21/07/2019 19:12

It looks more like a mouth ulcer to me. I get them pretty badly when I'm run down. Bad ones can cause headaches, fatigue and temperature. Try gargling with salt water or mouthwash.

chickenninja · 21/07/2019 19:14

It's a mouth ulcer. You might have some down your throat too which could explain sore throat.
Iglu gel is good for that.

susiegrapevine · 21/07/2019 19:15

Could be the start of tonsillitis or a tonsil stone but not sure its in the right place for that?

Mitebiteatnite · 21/07/2019 19:32

It could be an ulcer I suppose. I don't remember them being so painful though
I'm tempted to gargle some soluble paracetemol, I'm due a dose anyway and that's what I do when I've got tonsillitis so I'll see how it goes.

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kitandkaboodle28 · 21/07/2019 19:51

Ulcers can be really nasty. When I get a bad one it totally wipes me out and makes me feel very unwell.

Mitebiteatnite · 21/07/2019 20:25

I guess it's just because my immune system is pooped then. Kit do you reckon if I got some iglu and put it on the sore and then swallowed it might work down my throat? My dangly bit has got a bit of white on too now, not sure if I'll be able to rub it on that Blush

OP posts:
Surfingtheweb · 21/07/2019 20:41


Ghostonthedancefloor · 21/07/2019 20:46

It’s an ulcer. They can pop up anywhere in your mouth. I get them when I’m run down and can echo what PP have said, they can be absolutely awful.

Ghostonthedancefloor · 21/07/2019 20:48

The best thing I have found for them, is a product called Frador. It’s in a little red box and comes with a few cotton buds for application. It’s stings like a bitch for a few seconds but gives enough relief for you to eat a meal relatively pain free.

kitandkaboodle28 · 21/07/2019 20:49

I would recommend gargling and rinsing with salt water or mouthwash rather than iglu. It will be really difficult to get a gel on that part of the throat. Corsodyl or listerine are good. And take ibuprofen for the pain.

Widowodiw · 21/07/2019 20:51

If it was thrush wouldn’t your tongue be very very white? Looks like and ulcer to me.

LtGreggs · 21/07/2019 20:53

I regularly get oral thrush (steroid asthma inhalers...). It looks like a white rash spread across a larger area (palate, tonsilish area (though I have no tonsils!) or inside of lips/cheeks) - never just one spot. If you scrape the white off, it's a bit red and raw underneath. It's not painful in the way you describe - more of an inconvenience and general under-the-weather feeling.

Agree that your pic looks like an ulcer.

Mitebiteatnite · 21/07/2019 21:38

Sorry another gross pic coming up, this patch on my uvula has appeared since that first picture. Can you get them on your uvula too? It's not the same shape though, looks more like the streaks I get on my tonsils before I get full blown tonsillitis Blush

Does this look like oral thrush? (Gross mouth pic warning!)
OP posts:
Mitebiteatnite · 21/07/2019 22:52

Might as well bump for the evening crowd Grin

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EnidButton · 22/07/2019 02:28

I need to go into work as it's the last few days of term.

Rarer in adults but as you work with kids (I'm assuming), could it be the start of Scarlet fever?

Even if I'm way off there (probably!) , I really would get a gp appointment for tomorrow. Fevers on and off, sore throat, white patches or ulcers in your mouth and feeling exhausted, point to something that needs treating asap so it doesn't get worse. The sooner you get it seen to the better imo. I think you have to take a morning or afternoon off I'm afraid, get yourself looked at properly. Take care of yourself too, sometimes others have to come second. Flowers

Longdistance · 22/07/2019 02:49

I’d say it’s ulcers. I get them when I’m run down. Corsodyl is great for some relief. As it’s nearly the end of term, I’d say you’re run down. Not long now 🎉

Mitebiteatnite · 22/07/2019 06:47

Enid yes I do, I'm an early years practitioner so I basically work in a viral cesspool Blush Not sure about SF, don't think it really fits.

I've just had a text reminder that I have an appt with the asthma nurse tomorrow anyway so I must have booked the morning off already. I'll check when I go in. Last time I saw her 6 weeks ago she said if I was still feeling exhausted she'll get the GP to send me for some blood tests, so I'll mention it tomorrow and see what she says.

As for my throat, it's no better this morning although it's not significantly worse. I just feel like I have a lump in my throat now which is frustrating, because I keep wanting to swallow but it's still painful.

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Mitebiteatnite · 22/07/2019 10:46

Well it's just sort of drained something awful tasting down my throat, so I'm assuming it was a bit infected. I'm gonna pop to the pharmacy now and see what they can give me Sad

OP posts:
picklemepopcorn · 22/07/2019 11:22

Yuk! Bless you. Hope you get seen properly tomorrow. It could be a bacterial infection, I suppose.

In the meantime, salt water gargling is as good as anything else.

peachgreen · 22/07/2019 11:55

I had something similar recently. It was an infected ulcer and it made me feel utterly rotten for about a week. Eventually drained and went away.

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