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Rash under the boobs

19 replies

MummyHigg · 23/10/2018 18:13

Hi guys, first time mum/pregnancy here (only 6+3), I don’t always understand the abbreviations here so please can you explain what they are in your answers?

Basically I have a rash under my boobs caused by them sweating (see photo). I had big boobs anyway 34H, however they have been getting bigger since I got pregnant. I am already in the biggest maternity bra that Debenhams do, so not sure where to get a bigger one from.

How do I stop this rash?! I was thinking deodorant however not sure if that would irritate more? I see the midwife on Monday.

Rash under the boobs
OP posts:
kalinkafoxtrot45 · 23/10/2018 18:16

I put talc on during the day and use canesten cream at night. It’s usually fungal. Looks sore!

Seeline · 23/10/2018 18:16

You want an anti fungal cream. Ask your pharmacist to see if there is one that is ok when you're pg.

KarlDilkington · 23/10/2018 18:22

I get this occasionally from sports bras and apply canestan cream which clears it up every time.

loveskaka · 23/10/2018 18:27

Sounds ridiculous, but put a panty liner under each boob to stop the sweat irritating the skin, a bit annoying but keeps you dry. X

NanTheWiser · 23/10/2018 21:46

Athletes foot powder which is anti fungal is quite useful too.

MrsMoastyToasty · 23/10/2018 21:51

Athletes foot powder
Unperfumed deodorant
Clean bra every day. Ones with a high cotton content. (Bravissimo or an independent retailer for new bras)

NancyJoan · 23/10/2018 21:54

Don’t wear a maternity bra. A normal, well fitted underwire is fine, so long as you are fitted regularly and the wire lies flat against your body, not poking you in the boob. Once the baby is here, you’ll want feeding bras if you BF, but for now just wear proper bras.

Soontobe60 · 23/10/2018 21:55

There's a powder they sell in Spain called Talquistina, its anti fungal and is great! You can get it online.
Also, wash your bras every day and use the Dettol Laundry cleanser. Do you sleep in a bra? I do, but if my rash is sore, I put a piece of muslin cloth under my breast hanging our the bottom of my bra. Also, make sure that your bra isn't squashing your breast against your rib cage, but actually fully underneath the breast tissue. It's the pressing of the breast against the rib cage and cutting off air to the tissue that causes the problem in the first place.

fluffycatinahat · 23/10/2018 22:03

Maybe too small in the cup (possibly too big in the back so band moving around? Try Royce bras if want no wire if they still make them (I got from bravissimo I think) mine were huge...

Tanfastic · 23/10/2018 22:04

This is intertrigo. I get it now and again. It's fungal so you'll need a cream, I think I used canesten with hydrocortisone last time (doctor prescribed) and that cleared it up.

But yes trying to keep the area as dry as possible....talc helps.

mineofuselessinformation · 23/10/2018 22:06

To add to PP, dry under your boobs with a hairdryer if you've had a bath or shower.

makingmiracles · 23/10/2018 22:09

Second Royce bras here too, mines a 38k so they go pretty large, got mine from a business seller on eBay, they were about £25, which I didn’t think was too bad for a bra that actually fits
Use talk after washing, use talc before putting bra on in morning, try and find those travel sized mini tales then if you get sweaty during the day you could pop to bathroom and talc under them,it’s the warm moisture causing the rash. If the talc alone doesn’t work, try caneston as it could turn to thrush if it hasn’t already.

Accountant222 · 23/10/2018 22:14

I had that in the summer when it was blisteringly hot, drying underneath properly and a squirt of deodorant did the trick, it took a while though

Theweasleytwins · 23/10/2018 22:15

I have something similar- think mine is heat rash though?

I just slap sudocream on

TheQueenSnortsAvocados · 23/10/2018 22:21

Yes, sounds/looks like intertrigo.

Everyone is different so chat to your pharmacist, but for me a daily shower, drying myself with the cool setting on the hairdryer, and Daktarin powder twice a day clears it up within a week.

Talc helps prevent it, but only some brands. Johnson's seems okay, but Sainsbury's own seems to trigger the intertrigo. Also, I seem to get it when I'm quite static - if I'm up and about more, I don't seem to get it.

Catbot · 23/10/2018 22:32

You need a Molke in your life.

fluffycatinahat · 23/10/2018 23:28

Oh yes I also dry under boobs with hairdryer! Thought I was only person on planet doing this!

MummyHigg · 24/10/2018 17:02

Thanks all, I bought maternity bra as I read online that they are comfier and my boobs/ nipples have been incredibly sore and I even cried one night because DH laid on it by accident. I see the midwife on Monday, hopefully she can point me in the right direction.
I’ll look at the bra recommendations when I get home :) thank you!

OP posts:
Maria1982 · 25/10/2018 21:01

I find talc helpful to keep dry, also sometimes put a piece of kitchen towel under each cup to absorb moisture, and then remove later in the day...

As others have said, if fungal you will need treatment/ anti fungal cream of some sort.

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