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Photo warning!! Can anyone tell me what is on the roof of my mouth?

59 replies

haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:20

About 3 years ago I cut the roof of my mouth at the front with some sharp food.

Occasionally it will flare up with what feels like an ulcer which will bleed when I eat etc (which is sort of impossible not to do!!) And always in the same spot. Usually it's annoying but goes after about 2 weeks.

It's been there this time since about 2 weeks ago and it isn't going. I went to the dentist in November and she saw it when it wasn't flared up (it's always a bit red just not as big) and said does this ulcer hurt? And at the time it didn't so I said no.

It's quite irritating because of where it is in my mouth and when I google I just get mouth cancer as a result and loads of horrible pictures that don't look like what I have and I end up stressing myself out.

I can't really afford to go to the dentist as I have to pay private prices. My GP is pretty crap but I'm going to try them next week even though I'm pretty sure they will fob me off as they never seem to see anyone face to face.

For info I am 9 weeks pregnant. And I also tend to sleep with my mouth open which I am sure doesn't help healing.

I apologise for the photo - it was so awkward trying to take it but also I find the insides of peoples mouths disgusting so I do not blame you for thinking that too!

Photo warning!! Can anyone tell me what is on the roof of my mouth?
OP posts:
rosiebl · 04/02/2022 20:26

You really need to go back to the dentist or see a GP OP. My dentist said any ulcers not healing in a week or so need checking.

haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:28

Hoping to get in to the GP this week

OP posts:
glasgowLil · 04/02/2022 20:29

Can you send that photo to your gp? And explain you are worried about it and could they give you some advice? I had to take a photo of my daughters infected tonsils so they will have seen much worse.
Maybe it’s scar tissue that gets irritated easily?
Why do you breathe through your mouth? Have you had that investigated? Maybe you’ve got nasal polyps? Sorry rather a lot of questions and not much advice but try again with the gp and the photo and if you get to talk to someone mention the mouth breathing. Good luck. Xx

haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:32

My gp used to have a form online to send photos through but now they won't do that due to staff sickness apparently so you have to call (and wait nearly an hour on hold) and deal with a receptionist. There are hardly any appointments with the GP at all but I'll just try to stress on the phone that I really have to be seen face to face and I'm worried it's mouth cancer.

I'm not sure why - I've always struggled with breathing through my nose when laying down.

Freaking out a bit.

I really hate going to the doctor and the dentist even more :(

OP posts:
Saltyquiche · 04/02/2022 20:32

Ask for iron, folate and B12 blood tests. Don’t take b12 vitamins beforehand as the results will be skewered

Branleuse · 04/02/2022 20:33

Lichen planus?

haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:33

That's interesting as I did have low b12 a while ago (maybe even last year) but they said it wasn't much to worry about.

It may be worse because I'm pregnant and tired. Also have a stinker of a cold at the moment.

OP posts:
Saltyquiche · 04/02/2022 20:34

Do you have any iron folate b12 deficiency symptoms

Flyingbymypants · 04/02/2022 20:37

I would suggest going back to your dentist rather than seeing your GP.

haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:37

I mean I'm tired but I am also pregnant (and a parent of a 4 year old). Obviously got the mouth ulcer but only the one in the same place every time.

Definitely don't have loss of appetite or weight loss unfortunately !

Not depressed.

Don't think I'm particularly pale.

OP posts:
Cheekypeach · 04/02/2022 20:38

Oh owch OP! You do need to go back to the GP or dentist - don’t you get free dental care when pregnant?

Saltyquiche · 04/02/2022 20:38

The normal b12 range in the U.K. is much lower then other countries. Might be worth asking for a retest and your previous test results.

Saltyquiche · 04/02/2022 20:39

tiredness and sore roof of mouth is my main symptom

haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:39

There aren't any dentists in the whole county taking on nhs patients and I've not seen a midwife yet or anything so I don't have a card although I'm not sure it will work as I'm not an nhs patient in my surgery. I have to pay denplan because I am poor and I can't afford to pay for appointments.

Not only that but I do have severe dental phobia and I cry every time I go and I hate the way they make me feel. Yes I am a massive baby.

OP posts:
haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:40

Honestly I really do hope it's as simple as that. I've got my booking appointment with the midwife Monday and they'll do my bloods there I think. I'll also try and call my GP.

OP posts:
AlanPartridgesFatEnvelope · 04/02/2022 20:42

Not to alarm you but to encourage you to get this checked ASAP.

*The symptoms of mouth cancer include:

  • mouth ulcers that are painful and do not heal within several weeks
  • unexplained, persistent lumps in the mouth or the neck that do not go away
  • unexplained loose teeth or sockets that do not heal after extractions
  • unexplained, persistent numbness or an odd feeling on the lip or tongue
  • sometimes, white or red patches on the lining of the mouth or tongue.

These can be early signs of cancer, so they should also be checked:
  • changes in speech, such as a lisp

See a GP or dentist if these symptoms do not get better within 3 weeks, particularly if you drink or smoke.*
haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:43

I know. I'm taking heart in the fact that I literally have the first one so I'm hoping it's something not that bad.

Honestly it scares the living daylights out of me. I knew someone who had it and their quality of life after surgery was not great. I knew them as a child as well and they terrified me for want of a better description. I'm honestly so worried that'll be me.

OP posts:
trumpisagit · 04/02/2022 20:46

I got an appt with an NHS emergency dentist when I was pregnant. I think I had to join a waiting list for NHS dentist.

haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:47

Can't even get on a waiting list round here. My dd's dentist threw her out as going private and I can't even get anyone to take her on as nhs. No waiting lists at all. Just no.

OP posts:
haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 20:54

Just want to say thank you all for responding to me

OP posts:
JetBlackSteed · 04/02/2022 21:27

Is it maybe like a recurring cold sore but inside your mouth? Since it goes away and heals and recurs periodically it's likely not cancer.
Am not a health professional.

haaaaaaalp · 04/02/2022 21:29

Quite possibly! I don't get them anywhere else but as far as I know it's a different sort that happens in your mouth so could definitely be that.

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OrangeShark27 · 04/02/2022 22:42

It looks like maybe a pyogenic granuloma? Which is essentially an inflammatory lesion, often worsened in pregnancy
It doesn't look like anything nasty so I wouldn't worry too much, but it should be checked out. If you are on denplan it should be free. Tell the dentist you are worried about a non healing ulcer, it will be a 5 minute appointment, they shouldn't charge.

haaaaaaalp · 05/02/2022 07:24

Interesting. Maybe. I may call them and ask. I do have to really psych myself up about the dentist

OP posts:
RobinHumphries · 05/02/2022 10:11

angioma bullosa haemorrhagica

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