
How to Check for Bed Bugs in Your Home?

April 10, 2023
ways for find bed bugs

Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. These creepy crawlers can be found in almost any home and can cause a variety of health issues if left unchecked. If you think you may have bed bugs, it’s important to know how to check for them so that you can take measures to eliminate them as soon as possible.

Step 1: Check Visible Areas for Signs of Bed Bugs

The most obvious sign of a bed bug infestation is actual sightings of the bugs themselves. Look closely around mattress seams, headboards, and other furniture near the bed. Pay special attention to any cracks or crevices where they may hide during the day. If you do see bed bugs or signs of them—such as fecal matter, shed skin, eggs, or eggshells—it’s time to move on to step two.

Step 2: Launder Suspect Items

If you suspect you have a bed bug infestation it’s best to first remove all linens and clothing from the affected area and wash in hot water with detergent (or dry clean). Do this immediately after finding any signs of bed bugs; these items may be harboring some of the critters that were not spotted during your inspection. Also, vacuum all carpets in the affected area before moving on to step three.

Step 3: Investigate Furniture Cracks & Crevices

Using a flashlight and a magnifying glass inspect all furniture cracks and crevices in your bedroom, living room, hallway closets – wherever you suspect an infestation may exist. Any cracks wider than a one-eighth inch should be thoroughly inspected as these could provide ideal hiding places for adult bed bugs or even their eggs.

Make sure each crack is checked carefully and look closely for any signs such as fecal matter or empty casings which would indicate an infestation.

Step 4: Use Insect Traps Around Your Bed

Check the box spring and frame around your mattress for any evidence that might indicate an infestation before placing insect traps underneath them (if no signs are found). Insect traps use pheromones along with heat or light to attract bedbugs out from their hiding places; if there are still no indications of an infestation then move on to step five.

Step 5: Hire a Professional Exterminator

If after following these steps you still cannot find conclusive evidence then it’s time to call in a professional exterminator who will be able to accurately identify whether or not you have an active infestation. The exterminator will also be able to advise on how best to get rid of any existing pests including spraying insecticides throughout the home if necessary.


Checking for bed bugs is not something anyone wants to do but it’s important if you suspect there could be an infestation in your home. To safely search your living space without putting yourself at risk of getting bitten by these pests, start by inspecting your bedding closely before moving on to other furniture pieces and areas around your home such as walls and windowsills where they might hide.

If at any point during your search you find signs of a potential infestation – feces stains eggshells shed skins etc.- it’s best to call a professional exterminator right away so they can help identify the problem and determine how best to treat it. Taking swift action is key when dealing with these pesky insects so don’t delay if there is even a chance you may have been exposed!

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