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  • Bonsai rosemary (Courtesy Photo)

    Bonsai rosemary (Courtesy Photo)



The fragrant rosemary plant, Rosmarinus officinalis, has become a universal symbol of remembrance.

A member of the Lamiaceae family that is related to mint, Rosmarinus officinalis is a small evergreen perennial shrub that grows to a height of two to six feet. It has pale blue flowers and spiky, leathery leaves.

All rosemary varieties have leaves that resemble flat pine-tree needles. The leaves are deep green on the top and lighter gray-green underneath. As the plant matures, the stems develop a woody texture.

It has an aromatic fragrance, essential oil with the scent of camphor, a bold flavor and long and colorful history.

Native to the dry, rocky coastal areas of the Mediterranean, rosemary has been used for centuries. Its name Rosmarinus is from the Latin words ros, meaning dew, and marinus, meaning sea, which translates to “dew of the sea,” because it grows along the seashore.

The ancient Egyptians laid sprigs of rosemary across coffins and tombstones. In early Greece, students placed rosemary sprigs in their hair when studying for exams, and Greek scholars frequently wore garlands of rosemary on their heads to help their memory during examinations.

The Romans introduced rosemary to England, and Charlemagne I grew rosemary in his royal garden.

Napoleon Bonaparte used cologne made from rosemary and Shakespeare referred to rosemary in five of his plays, including “Romeo and Juliet” — “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance, pray you, love, remember.”

Rosemary crossed the Atlantic with early immigrants and it now grows throughout Europe and America.

Some people still use sprigs of rosemary at funerals and some brides wear rosemary as a symbol of love, happiness and loyalty. Some people even tuck rosemary under their pillows to dispel nightmares.

Rosemary has been used as a seasoning and natural medicine for millennia. Part of rosemary’s popularity comes from the widespread belief that it stimulates and strengthens the memory, a quality for which it is still traditionally used.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, rosemary became popular as a digestive aid and modern research focuses on the beneficial active components in rosemary.

Centuries before the introduction of the refrigerator, rosemary was used as a preservative for meats and other foods. Meats were encrusted with crushed rosemary leaves to preserve freshness and keep the smell and taste pleasant.

The tradition of spreading rosemary leaves on the floor at midnight on Christmas Eve began in the Middle Ages. When people walked on the rosemary leaves, the rosemary fragrance would fill the air and, according to tradition, those who smelled rosemary on Christmas Eve would have a year of health and happiness.

Rosemary contains substances that are useful for stimulating the immune system, increasing circulation and improving digestion. Rosemary also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may make it useful for reducing the severity of asthma attacks.

Rosemary has also been shown to increase the blood flow to the head and brain, improving concentration. Rosemary is also being studied for its potential anti-cancer effects, since initial studies indicate that its compounds inhibit carcinogenic chemicals from binding to cellular DNA.

Rosemary may also become useful in preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Fresh rosemary should be stored in the refrigerator in a slightly damp paper towel. You can also place rosemary sprigs in ice cube trays covered with either water or stock that can be added when preparing soups or stews. Dried rosemary should be kept in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark and dry place where it will keep fresh for about six months.

To prepare rosemary, quickly rinse it under cool running water and pat dry. Rosemary is a complement to lamb, red meat, fish, shellfish, veal and chicken dishes. It is also an excellent flavoring for potato dishes and other root vegetables.

Most recipes call for rosemary leaves, which can be easily removed from the stem. You can also add the whole sprig to season soups, stews and meat dishes and then remove the sprig before serving.

In the Redlands area, rosemary can be planted almost any time. Small starter plants or gallon plants are usually the best. You can start plants from cuttings or seeds, but both methods are slow and not always successful. Once the plants are established, be sure not to overwater them.

You can snip the leaves all through the growing season. Even seedlings have the flavor, but flavor will develop more as the plant matures.

Rosemary plants are beautiful in almost any garden, in the ground or in pots. Rosemary also works well as bonsai.

While you’re remembering rosemary, don’t forget the Garden and Floral Arrangers Guild’s fall table-setting flower show coming to Redlands Nov. 5.

For information, call 909-798-9384 or 951-285-8775 or go to

Source: Joyce Dean, a member of the Garden and Floral Arrangers Guild