Make good memories with rosemary in your garden

Audrey Gillespie
Special to the Reporter-News

Has a smell ever evoked a vivid memory for you?

Scientists tell us that the reason scent and memory are linked is because of the location of the olfactory bulb in the brain. Smells are sent from there to the limbic system, the region of the brain that is related to emotion and memory.

No wonder rosemary, with its clean, fresh, strong scent, is called the herb of remembrance.

Rosmarinus officinalis is a perennial evergreen herb that hails from the Mediterranean region, making it a great candidate for our climate here in West Texas. In addition to being a great centerpiece for an herb garden, rosemary is wonderful for use in a sensory garden or utilized in the place of shrubs in ornamental beds. Be sure the variety is hardy, such as “Ard” or “Hill Hardy.”

Prostrate rosemary looks great cascading over a rock wall or the side of a pot. Pollinators love the tiny flowers that start in early spring when not much else is blooming and continues through the summer. Grow in a pot close to the kitchen door where you can snip leaves for your favorite recipes.

Are you interested in bonsai or topiaries? Rosemary fits into that niche, too. Versatility is the name of the game here.

Rosemary will grow best with at least six hours of sun daily, in well-drained soil. Clay soil? Simply amend with compost and expanded shale, or build a raised bed right on top of the ground. Visit for more information. This herb is drought-resistant and needs little fertilizer.

Although resistant to pests, spider mites sometimes appear during hot, dry spells, and mealy bugs and scales are occasional irritants.

Early detection allows spider mites to be controlled easily with strong blasts of water directed up through the foliage or with the use of insecticidal soap.

Clip off infested stem tips to keep scale in check.

Mealy bugs, if few, can be picked off or killed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Otherwise, insecticidal soap is effective.

If you have regular infestations of the two latter insects, overfertilizing with nitrogen might be the cause. 

The best way to propagate rosemary is via cuttings. Here’s how:

  1. Clip a 3-inch branch from the stem of the plant. 
  2. Trim the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting.
  3. Plant one or two cuttings into a 3-inch pot. Water.
  4. Place the pot in a windowsill with indirect sunlight and temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees.
  5. The cuttings will be rooted and ready for transplanting to their permanent location.

Harvest small stems for use indoors. Use fresh in your favorite recipe or to make your own flavored vinegar or oil.

Dry for later use. This can be done simply by tying stems together and hanging upside down in a cool, dry place until dehydrated. Cover with a paper sack to protect from dust.

Many of the new air fryers have a dehydrating setting or ovens can be used on a low setting.

Whatever method you choose, do be sure to check the prices of the dried herbs on your next grocery trip. Double your pleasure.

Rosemary. Remember to grab some the next time you visit your favorite nursery.

The Big Country Master Gardener Association welcomes your gardening questions. Call our hotline at 325-690-6496 or email us at Follow us on Facebook.

Until next time, happy gardening!