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  1. Ingrown Toenail- a condition is which the corner or side of a toenail grows into the flesh.

  2. Black or Discolored Toenail- bleeding or bruising under the nail caused by injury.

  3. Yellow Nail Syndrome- rare disease caused by the accumulation of protein-rich fluid (lymph) and usually is accompanied with respiratory issues and lymphedema (leg swelling).

  4. Fungal Toenail- fungal infection of the nails that causes discoloration, thickening and separation of the nailbed.

  5. Ram's Horn Nail- thickening of the nails that curve like a claw or horn.

Nail and Skin Conditions: News


  1. Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)- is narrowing of the blood vessels reducing blood flow in the lower legs.

  2. Peripheral Neuropathy- occurs when there is damage to the nerves in the lower legs causing loss of sensation, tingling, or pain.

  3. Heel Fissures- also known as cracked heels, occur when dry, thick skin on the bottom of your heels cracks and splits. 

  4. Ulcers- are open sores to the foot or leg that do not heal or keep returning.

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Nail and Skin Conditions: News
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