What is the best why to save Treasure Coast plants from Witch's Broom?

Carol Cloud Bailey
Special to TCPalm
Cocoplum is a much used plant for hedges, buffers, and small trees. Cocoplum can be infected with Witch’s Broom which is often spread by pruning tools

Dear Carol,

All 30 plants in my hedges are infected with something.The soil does not drain well in some locations, better in others. I am just beginning bi-weekly applications of diluted insecticide. Can the plants be saved?

Thank You,

Roger H, via email


A: Cocoplum is a much used, some would say overused, plant for hedges, buffers, and small trees. It is native to Florida, the Caribbean, and South America. The leaves are roundish and leathery. The leaves on red-tip variety are an attractive red when the leaves are new.  Small white flowers appear at the ends of the branches that mature into a 1- to 2-inch edible fruit which can be white or black at maturity.

Cocoplum likes it warm, with full sun or part shade, and well-drained or moist soils. The growing conditions Roger describes are acceptable for Cocoplum, it is one of the plants which will tolerate, even thrive, in moist conditions.

The tight, clumping deformities on Roger's Cocoplum are known as Witch’s Broom. This is a general term for any type of woody stem distortion. These deformities occur when something causes the growing tip to die or become distorted and the buds below grow in tight clusters of shortened stems.

Witch’s Broom can be caused by mites, viruses, fungi, mistletoe, insects, nematodes or natural genetic changes.

 In Florida, the most common cause in woody, evergreen shrubs such as Cocoplum is a fungal infection from Sphaeropsis tumefaciens. The infection is not common in Cocoplum, but often is found in Oleander, Holly, Bottlebrush, Ligustrum, and Crape Myrtle.

There are no chemical controls for Witch’s Broom. Because the infection is not caused by an insect, the use of an insecticide for control is not a good idea.

The recommended control is to prune the Witch’s Broom out of the infected plant. Prune branches at least six inches below the symptoms. Look at the cut end of the stem to see if there is any discoloration from the fungal growth in the wood.Prune that branch back further if this is noticed. Heavily infected plants should be removed and destroyed.

Pruning tools should be disinfected between plants as this is the most common way the infection is spread. There are several choices for gardeners for disinfecting tools. One of the easiest is alcohol. Use a 70 to 100 percent solution and wipe or spray the tools, no soaking necessary. Take care as alcohol is flammable. For more information about tool sanitation see the University of Florida website.

Cocoplum is a fine hedge, however, the most popular Red-Tip Cocoplum is a large maturing variety. It easily attains heights of 10 to 15 feet and must be regularly and heavily pruned to maintain as a hedge. Frequent, severe pruning will shorten the plants life and make it more susceptible to diseases such as Witch’s Broom.

If space is available, consider planting Cocoplum as a barrier or buffer and allow for a more natural growth pattern which will extend the plant’s life.

Carol Cloud Bailey is a Landscape Counselor & Horticulturist. Send questions to or visit for more information.