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I'm a more stylish version of the spider plant - considered to be one of the most adaptable of houseplants and the easiest to grow! My curly, swirly, archy leaves give me lots of character and I bring happy vibes to any space (did I mention I also purify your air?).


As a member of the family Asparagaceae and hailing from southern Africa, I love Singapore's warm, tropical weather. I'll thrive if you keep my potting mix moist but not soggy, and place me in a bright spot away from direct sunlight. I can also tolerate shadier conditions (but of course my growth will not be as robust).


Spider plants are so named because of our spider-like plants babies, or spiderettes, which dangle down from the mother plant like spiders on a web. They're the cutest.



My genus name, Chlorophytum, is a combination of the Greek words chlorosand phyton, which together mean green plant.

Curly Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum Bonnie)

PriceFrom $25.00
Sold Out
  • Sunlight | Bright indirect

    Water | Water thoroughly when top inch of potting mix is dry, or when planter feels light.

    Personality | Easy-going

    Other traits | Air-purifying

    Pet-safe | Yes

  • Mr Chill | W10.5 x H9.5cm, ceramic, with drainage hole, no saucer


    Mr Mouz | W11 x H10cm, ceramic, with drainage hole, no saucer


    Dressed plant | approx 15 - 20 cm tall (incl planter)


    Potting mix | This Dressed Plant is potted in The Green Earthling's premium in-house potting mix, which provides all our plants with adequate aeration and nutrients.

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