Human Papillomavirus: A Primary Cause Of Cervical Cancer

Some HPV carriers may unintentionally spread the virus to their sexual partners.

10 Feb, 2023

Tavishi Dogra

Human papillomavirus

Having several partners increases your risk of contracting the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Source: Thehealthsite

Cervical cancer

It is well known that human papillomavirus is a primary cause of cervical cancer.

Source: Thehealthsite

sexual partners

Having fewer sexual partners reduces the likelihood of infection spread.

Source: Thehealthsite


Coming into touch with someone who is HPV-positive sometimes doesn't exhibit any symptoms.

Source: Thehealthsite


Do you know there is an increased association between some STIs and cancer in females?

Source: Thehealthsite

Experts speculation

Females may have a higher risk of developing cancer than males with the same number of partners.

Source: Thehealthsite

HPV infection

It's important to note that HPV infection can affect people in monogamous relationships as well.

Source: Thehealthsite

HPV carriers

Some HPV carriers may unintentionally spread the virus to their sexual partners.

Source: Thehealthsite

In other words

The more sexual mates an individual has, the more likely they will come into contact with an infected partner.

Source: Thehealthsite

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