Thrush Symptoms in Children and Adults

The telltale sign of thrush (oral candidiasis) is white patches on the inner cheeks, tongue, roof of the mouth, and throat. Caused by an overgrowth of candida albicans yeast, thrush symptoms primarily affect the mucous membranes lining the mouth and throat.

Thrush is common in babies and can make eating and swallowing painful. It can be passed during breastfeeding and cause red, cracked, and sore nipples. Thrush can also cause a loss of taste, a cottony feel in your mouth, and painful cracks in the corners of your lips.

This article discusses oral thrush symptoms. It also explains common risk factors for thrush and how it is treated.

thrush symptoms
© Verywell, 2018 

Common Thrush Symptoms

The most obvious symptom of thrush is a white coating on the inner cheeks, tongue, gums, roof of mouth, tonsils, and throat. Often described as creamy or velvety patches, the coating can be scraped off to reveal red, inflamed spots that may bleed.

Other oral thrush symptoms are the same in children and adults and include:

  • Bleeding gums or tongue
  • A burning sensation on the tongue
  • Cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth
  • A cottony feeling in the mouth
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Loss of taste
  • Pain while eating and/or swallowing
  • Redness or soreness in the mouth and/or throat

Thrush can weaken your sense of taste and take the enjoyment out of eating and drinking, which can decrease your appetite and lead to weight loss.

Additional Symptoms in Babies

In addition to the common thrush symptoms above, symptoms of oral thrush in babies include:

  • Feeding difficulty
  • Fussiness and irritability, especially during feeds
  • Lack of appetite or interest in eating
  • A red, angry-looking diaper rash that may bleed

If your baby has these symptoms, check for a white coating inside the mouth and throat.

Thrush Symptoms in Breastfeeding Mothers 

Nursing infants with oral thrush can pass the infection to their mothers while breastfeeding, causing nipple thrush. Symptoms of candida albicans overgrowth on the nipples include:

  • Extreme pain while breastfeeding
  • Nipple sensitivity and pain between feedings
  • Red, cracked nipples
  • Shiny or flaky skin on the nipple and areola

Causes of Thrush

Oral candidiasis is caused by an overgrowth of a yeast known as candida albicans. This yeast lives naturally in the mucous membranes lining your mouth and digestive tract.

Under certain conditions, candida can rapidly reproduce. When this upsets the body's delicate balance of flora, symptoms of thrush can appear.

Oral thrush is common in babies but rare in healthy adults.

Who’s at Risk for Thrush?

The following conditions can increase the likelihood of developing oral thrush: 

  • Cancer
  • Chronic dry mouth, either as a side effect of chemotherapy, other medication, or a medical condition
  • Diabetes
  • Frequent antibiotic or corticosteroid use
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Sjogren's syndrome
  • Smoking
  • Taking medications that weaken the immune system
  • Using inhaled corticosteroids to treat asthma or COPD
  • Weakened immune system
  • Wearing dentures

Is Thrush Contageous?

Oral thrush can be contagious to people who are at high risk. Most people with healthy immune systems will not develop thrush if exposed.

The exception is nursing mothers. If baby has oral thrush, there is a high chance the mother will develop thrush on her nipples.

What Are the Complications for Thrush?

Left untreated, thrush can cause a body-wide infection known as systemic candidiasis. This occurs when candida enters the bloodstream and spreads to other parts of the body.

Systemic candidiasis can cause serious, life-threatening illnesses, including meningitis (in the brain) and endocarditis (in the heart). It can also affect your esophagus (causing esophagitis), eyes (endophthalmitis), and joints (arthritis).

Complications are more common in people with an impaired immune system (such as individuals undergoing cancer treatment or people with HIV/AIDS) and infants with very low birth weight.

When to See a Healthcare Provider

Call your healthcare provider if:

  • Your baby or child refuses to eat.
  • You or your child have symptoms of thrush, such as the white coating or patches inside the mouth.
  • You are breastfeeding and have cracked or painful nipples (or other symptoms of infection of the breasts).
  • You or your child have thrush symptoms that fail to improve with treatment, or if symptoms recur.
  • You or your child develop new or worsening symptoms.

Thrush Doctor Discussion Guide

Get our printable guide for your next healthcare provider's appointment to help you ask the right questions.

Doctor Discussion Guide Mom and Baby


Symptoms of thrush include creamy white patches on the inside of the mouth, burning mouth pain, red sores, and a loss of taste.

Thrush is common in babies, but rare in healthy adults. Medications like antibiotics, inhaled corticosteroids, and nebulizer treatments can promote the growth of candida and set the stage for an oral thrush infection.

Thrush is more common in people with cancer, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS. People who smoke, wear dentures, or have chronic dry mouth from medications or medical conditions are at higher risk for oral thrush.

In otherwise healthy adults, thrush symptoms can indicate an undiagnosed health condition like diabetes or a weakened immune system and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How common is oral thrush in adults?

    Not very. Although around 60% of healthy people carry Candida yeast (a type of fungus) in their mouths, it's unusual for it to cause thrush unless certain risk factors are present. These include:

    • A compromised immune system
    • A chronic condition such as cancer or diabetes
    • Wearing dentures
    • Taking certain medications including antibiotics, corticosteroids, and drugs that cause dry mouth
    • Smoking
    • Vitamin B deficiency
  • How long does oral thrush last if it isn't treated?

    In newborns who develop candidiasis, the infection tends to get better on its own within three to eight weeks. However, adults with thrush who go untreated are likely to have the infection indefinitely unless they have risk factors they can control or eliminate, such as smoking.

  • What diseases can be mistaken for oral thrush?

    White splotches on the tongue can be caused by a build-up of food debris and bacteria. Several medical conditions also are characterized by a white tongue, including:

6 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Candida infections of the mouth, throat, and esophagus.

  2. Patil S, Rao RS, Majumdar B, Anil S. Clinical Appearance of Oral Candida Infection and Therapeutic StrategiesFront Microbiol. 2015;6:1391. Published 2015 Dec 17. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01391

  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Medications that Weaken Your Immune System and Fungal Infections.

  4. Bongomin F, Gago S, Oladele RO, Denning DW. Global and Multi-National Prevalence of Fungal Diseases-Estimate PrecisionJ Fungi (Basel). 2017;3(4):57. Published 2017 Oct 18. doi:10.3390/jof3040057

  5. Pankhurst CL. Candidiasis (oropharyngeal)BMJ Clin Evid.

  6. Singh A, Verma R, Murari A, Agrawal A. Oral candidiasis: An overviewJ Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2014;18(Suppl 1):S81-S85. doi:10.4103/0973-029X.141325

Additional Reading
Cathy Wong

By Cathy Wong
Cathy Wong is a nutritionist and wellness expert. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health.