Scabies, which was detected by Bonoma in 1687, is a skin disease that occurs especially in the summer months and is caused by parasites that feed on the remains in the skin structure. The mite that causes scabies in dogs; It can be passed from one infected dog to another through direct contact or through any infected environment. mites living on the skin; It feeds on serum, epidermal debris and blood. Scabies is a disease that can be easily treated today.

What Is Scabies In Dogs?

Dog scabies is a skin disease and is transmitted by mites that cause infections in dogs. It is seen especially in hot weather, in kennels, shelters, breeding facilities and due to the stuffiness of pet dog skins that are not sufficiently cared for.

What Are the Types of Scabies in Dogs?

The most common canine scabies is caused by the infestation of the skin by mites called "Sarcoptes scabiei". These mites not only cling to the skin, but also form tunnels and settle under the skin. Compared to other types of scabies, it can cause severe itching and inflammation. After Sarcoptes scabiei, the most common types of canine scabies are:
  • Demodex canis: The second most common type of scabies in dogs. These mites live in the hair follicles of dogs and are usually seen in young dogs. Demodex canis usually causes localized hair loss and itching.
  • Otodectes cynotis (Ear Scabies): It causes thickening of the ear structure, filling the ear canal with a dark liquid, and severe itching with crusting that appears in the ears. With the progression of the disease, the risk of external otitis increases.
  • Notoedres cati: Although it is known as cat mange, it can also be seen in dogs. It is especially seen in environments where cats and dogs live together. In the ears, face and neck area; It can cause itching, redness, crusting and dandruff.


How Dogs Get Scabies?

Since scabies is a parasitic disease, it can spread quickly among animals. Scabies can easily be transmitted by close contact of an infected dog with a healthy animal. The most common forms of transmission of scabies in dogs are:
  • By contact: The most common mode of transmission is direct contact. Scabies is easily transmitted when an infected dog is close to or in contact with another dog.
  • Through shared items: Shared items of dogs with scabies also carry the risk of transmitting the disease. In particular, items such as leashes, beds, toys, blankets, sofa combs can easily carry infected mites.
  • Through environmental factors: Dog mange mites can be transmitted especially from dog parks, shelters, dog training and breeding facilities, gardens and other open spaces.
  • Through breast milk: Scabies can be transmitted, especially in stray dogs, but sometimes with mites brought home by the socialized mother dog, contact during sucking or during play hours.
In summary, the most common conditions that pose a risk of transmitting scabies in dogs are as follows:
  • Shared use of living areas with skin rashes
  • Direct contact of an infected dog with another
  • Common goods and space uses such as combs, carpets, blankets, sofas

What Are the Symptoms of Scabies in Dogs?

Symptoms of scabies in dogs; It varies according to the types of scabies, the strength of the dog's immune system, the rate of mites it is exposed to, the degree of sensitivity of its skin and care routines. The most common typical symptoms in cases of scabies are as follows:
  • Redness, blisters and rashes on the skin
  • Rash and hardening especially in the inner ears, elbows, neck, abdomen and groin area
  • Hair loss on infected parts of the body
  • Dirty, smelly, dark colored discharge and swelling in the ear
  • Loss of the natural color of the skin
  • In the later stages of the disease; weakness, appetite and weight loss
Symptoms of scabies may differ in each dog. Recognizing scabies in the early period shortens the treatment period and ensures the successful outcome of the treatment. Delay in awareness of scabies can lead to different health problems and serious skin infections.


How to Diagnose Scabies in Dogs?

Diagnosis of scabies in dogs; It is put by following the methods determined as a result of the clinical examination performed by the veterinarians. According to the type of scabies, the type of symptoms and the level of the disease, the methods applied with the decision of the veterinarian are as follows:
  • Skin scraping test: A tissue sample is taken by scraping, usually from the part of the dog's skin that is irritated by itching, and the presence of scabies mites is looked for under the microscope.
  • Biopsy: Scabies mites, if any, can be detected by examining a sample taken from the irritated, reddened, damaged skin areas of the dog that are affected by scabies and become bald as a result of shedding.

How Is Scabies Treated in Dogs?

Treatment of scabies in dogs depends on the dog's immune status, the type and severity of the scabies. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in order to examine the dogs with the above symptoms without delay and to determine the treatment to be applied.
The treatment methods applied for the disease may vary, but the steps of the commonly used scabies treatment are as follows:
  • Skin cleaning: Special medicated washes can be applied.
  • Drug treatment: The drugs prescribed as a result of the veterinarian examination and examinations are used. The duration of treatment is determined by the follow-up of healing in the skin.
  • Follow-up process: In this process, both the veterinarian controls must be followed without interruption and the person who takes care of the dog must strictly implement the duties given by the veterinarian, if any.   
  • Isolation: Scabies is a contagious disease in general. Therefore, isolation and regular cleaning of living areas during the treatment process are important for both healing and minimizing the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Is Scabies in Dogs Transmitted to Humans?

There are types of scabies that can pass to humans. In this process, it is beneficial for people who are exposed to intense itching for a long time to see a doctor.